Paderewski na I Międzynarodowym Turnieju Debat Oksfordzkich [ZDJĘCIA]

19 czerwca 2019

Nasi uczniowie z klas drugich IB wzięli udział w I Międzynarodowym Turnieju Debat Oksfordzkich. Wydarzenie odbyło się 7 czerwca w Kolegium Europejskim w Krakowie.

Anna Sekunda, Julia Cygan, Anna Bogutska i Jakub Jóźwiak musieli zmierzyć się z tematem: „Although tolerance is widely discussed in classes, the school environment is not conducive to exercising it”. Ich zadaniem było przedstawić argumenty przeciw tej tezie, natomiast uczniowie ze Szczecin International School bronili argumentów „za” i ostatecznie wygrali.

Głównym zwycięzcą I Międzynarodowego Turnieju Debat Oksfordzkich jest International School of Poznan.

Gratulujemy naszym uczniom i nauczycielowi Markowi White udziału w tym wydarzeniu. Nasza szkoła została zaproszona do kolejnej edycji w przyszłym roku. Już dziś trzymamy kciuki!

The competition was an Oxford debate and it was held at Kolegium Europejskie in Krakow. This is a competition where two teams of 4 have a debate about a set statement. 1 team is the proposition: They agree with the statement. The other team is the opposition: They disagree with the statement.

Each team member has 5 minutes to speak (argue their case for/against) the statement: depending on which team they are in. The other team can question the speaker about their stance within a specific time frame. When the judge rings a bell, the speaker has 30 more seconds and the other team can not put forward anymore questions.

The idea of the game is to win the argument by producing evidence that supports your argument:judges award points for good arguments and good questioning. Teams are given a week to prepare their speaches and each speaker has a specific role within the team. The most important players are those that start and those that go last, but other members can also play a vital role.

The statement we had was 'Although tolerance is widely discussed in classes, the school environment is not conducive to exercising it’. Our team from Paderewski were the opposition to this statement and we were up against an IB school from Szczecin (Szczecin International School). They were victorious, alas. The final was won by, International school of Poznan.

Our gallant team was made up of 4 students from the 2nd class of IB. They were as follows:

  • Ania Sekunda
  • Julka Cygan
  • Ania Bogutska
  • Jakub Jóźwiak

This was the first time that the competition had been held in Krakow and they invited our school back next year. I look forward to going again and hope we can improve on this years performance.

Mark White
